Prelude Macros

These are the main macros defined by the prelude.

Definition Forms


(define (id . args) body ...)
=> (define-values (id)
     (lambda% args body ...))

(define id expr)
=> (define-values (id) expr)


(def (id . args) body ...)
=> (define-values (id)
     (lambda args body ...))

(def ((head . rest) . args) body ...)
=> (def (head . rest)
     (lambda args body ...))

(def id expr)
=> (define-values (id) expr)

Compared with define, which defines lambdas with the core Scheme lambda% form, def uses the extended lambda form, and supports curried definitions.


(def* id
  (args body ....) ...)
(def id
  (case-lambda (args body ...) ...))


> (def* foo
    (()   ['no-arg])
    ((x)  ['one-arg x])
    (rest ['more-than-one rest]))

> (foo 1)
(one-arg 1)

> (foo 1 2)
(more-than-one (1 2))


(defvalues (id ...) expr)
=> (define-values (id ...) expr)


(defsyntax (id . args) body ...)
=> (define-syntax id (lambda args body ...))

(defsyntax id expr)
=> (define-syntax id expr)


(defrules id (keyword-id ...)
  (pat [fender] body) ...)
=> (defsyntax id
     (syntax-rules (keyword-id ...)
        (pat [fender] body) ...))


(defalias id alias-id)
=> (define-alias id alias-id)

Binding Forms


(let*-values (((id ...) expr) rest ...) body ...)
=> (let-values (((id) expr))
     (let*-values rest body ...))

(let*-values () body ...)
=> (let-values () body ...)


(let id ((var expr) ...) body ...)
=> ((letrec (id (lambda% (var ...) body ...))) expr ...)

(let bind body ...)
=> (let-values (bind-values) body ...)

(let (bind ...) body ...)
=> (let-values (bind-values ...) body ...)

 ((values id ...) expr)
 (id expr)

(((id ...) expr))


(let* (bind rest ...) body ...)
=> (let bind (let* (rest ...) body ...))

(let* () body ...)
=> (let () body ...)

letrec letrec*

(letrec[*] bind body ...)
=> (letrec[*]-values (bind-values) body ...)

(letrec[*] (bind ...) body ...)
=> (letrec[*]-values (bind-values ...) body ...)


(lambda (arg ...) body ...)
(lambda (arg ... . id) body)

 id                ; required argument
 (id default)      ; optional argument
 key: (id default) ; keyword argument

The extended lambda form that supports optional and keyword arguments.


(set! id expr)

(set! setq-macro-id expr)
=> apply setq-macro expander

(set! (setf-macro-id . args) . rest)
=> apply setf-macro expander

(set! (getf-id arg ...) expr)
=> (getf-id-set! arg ... expr)

And when you got bindings, you want your mutator too. As they say, mostly functional.

Common Syntactic Sugar

and or

(and expr ...)
(or expr ...)

case cond

(cond cond-clause ...)
(case case-clause ...)

The well known conditional macros; case has its extended form supporting => dispatch.

when unless

(when test expr ...)
=> (if test (begin expr ...) #!void)

(unless test expr ...)
=> (if test #!void (begin expr ...))

do do-while

(do ((var init step ...) ...)
    (test fini ...)
  body ...)

(do-while hd (test fini ...) body ...)
=> (do hd ((not test) fini ...) body ...)

The common iteration macro and its inverted form.


(begin0 expr rest ...)
=> (let (val expr) rest ... val)


(rec id expr)
=> (letrec ((id expr)) id)

(rec (values id ...) expr)
=> (letrec ((values id ...) expr) (values id ...))

(rec (id . args) body ...)
=> (letrec (id (lambda args body ...)) id)

Short recursive definition form.

alet alet* and-let*

(alet bind body ...)
(alet (bind ...) body ...)
(alet* bind body ...)
(alet* (bind ...) body ...)

(defalias and-let* alet*)

Anaphoric lets which short circuit to #f if any of the bindings is #f.


> (alet ((a [1 2])
         (b #f))
    [a b])

> (alet ((a [1 2])
         (b #t))
    [a b])
((1 2) #t)


=> '()

(@list :: tl)
=> tl

(@list xs ellipsis)
=> xs

(@list xs ellipsis . rest)
=> (foldr cons (@list . rest) xs)

(@list x . xs)
=> (cons x (@list . xs)))

(@list . tl)
=> tl

This is the reader macro for [...].


(quasiquote expr)


(delay expr)

The promise to eval expr.


(cut arg ...)

if you don't know how this works, stop and read the SRFI. Most useful little macro ever.


> (filter (cut < <> 10) [1 10 2 20])
(1 2)

> (def fn (cut list 'a 'b))
> (fn)
(a b)


(parameterize ((paremter-id expr) ...) body ...)


> (def foo (make-parameter #f))
> (foo)

> (parameterize ((foo 100))

let/cc let/esc

(let/cc id body ...)
=> (call/cc (lambda (id) body ...))

(let/esc id body ...)
=> (call/esc (lambda (id) body ...))

call/esc is really the same thing as call/cc in Gerbil on Gambit.


(unwind-protect body postlude)


(@bytes "...")
=> (quote #u8(...))

Converts a utf8 encoded string to a u8vector at expansion time.


(syntax-error message detail ...)

Raises a syntax error; used for meaningful error reporting in syntax-rules macros.


(defalias vector-ref-set! vector-set!)
(set! (vector-ref v i) x)

This binding enables you to use set! with vector-ref.


> (def foo (vector 1 2 3))
> (set! (vector-ref foo 1) 4)
> foo
#(1 4 3)

MOP Macros

defstruct-type defclass-type

(defstruct-type id super make instance? type-body ...)

(defclass-type id super make instance? type-body ...)

 name: id                    ; type name
 id: id                      ; type id
 constructor: method-id      ; constructor method id
 plist: expr                 ; type plist
 fields: ((getf setf) ...)   ; struct type fields
 slots: ((id getf set) ...)  ; class type slots

Low level struct and class type definition facilities.

defstruct define-struct

(defstruct id (field ...) typedef-option ...)
(defstruct (id super) (field ...) typedef-option ...)

(defalias define-struct defstruct)

 name: id                    ; type name
 id: id                      ; type id
 constructor: id             ; constructor method id
 final: bool                 ; #t for final types

(defstruct id (field) ...)
=> (begin
     (defstruct-type id::t #f make-id id?
       fields: ((field field-set!) ...)
       type-body ...)
     (defsyntax id ...))

(defstruct (id super) (field) ...)
=> (begin
     (defstruct-type id::t super::t make-id id?
      fields: ...
      type-body ...)
     (defsyntax id ...))

Canonical struct type definition macro.

defclass define-class

(defclass id (slot ...) typedef-option ...)
(defclass (id super ...) (slot ...) typedef-option ...)

(defalias define-class defclass)

(defclass id (slot ...) typedef-option ...)
=> (begin
     (defclass-type id::t [] make-id id?
       slots: ((slot slot slot-set!) ...)
       type-body ...)
     (defsyntax id ...))

(defclass (id super ...) (slot ...) typedef-option ...)
=> (begin
     (defclass-type id::t [super::t ...] make-id id?
       slots: ((slot slot slot-set!) ...)
       type-body ...)
     (defsyntax id ...))

Canonical class type definition macro.


(defmethod {method-id type}
  [rebind: bool])
=> (begin
    (def type::method-id expr)
    (bind-method! type::t 'method-id type::method-id rebind?))

Defines a method method-id for type type, which must be a class or struct type. The :std/generic library extends the form for generic method


(@method id obj arg ...)
=> (call-method obj 'id arg ...)

This is the reader macro for {...}, the method invocation operator.

@ (slot reference)

(@ obj id)
=> (slot-ref obj 'id)

(@ obj id rest ...)
=> (@ (@ obj id) rest ...)

Slot reference macro.


(set! (@ obj id ...) val)
=> (@-set! obj id ... val)

(@-set! obj id val)
=> (slot-set! obj 'id val)

(@-set! obj id rest ... last val)
=> (@-set! (@ obj id rest ...) last val)

Slot mutation macro.

Pattern Matching


(match expr
  (pattern body ...) ...
  [(else body ...)])

 (? test)                          ; predicate test with the `?` predicate constructor
 (? test pattern)                  ; test and match a pattern
 (? test => pattern)               ; test and match a pattern on the value of the test
 (? test :: proc => pattern)       ; test and match with a filter
 (and pattern ...)                 ; match all patterns
 (or pattern ...)                  ; match any pattern
 (not pattern)                     ; negated match
 (cons pattern1 pattern2)          ; destructure a pair like cons
 (cons* pattern ... pattern-tail)  ; destructure a list like cons*
 [pattern ...]                     ;
 (@list pattern ...)               ; destructure a list like @list
 (box pattern)                     ;
 #&pattern                         ; destructure a box
 (values pattern ...)              ; destructure a values tuple
 (vector pattern ...)              ;
 #(pattern ...)                    ; destructure a vector
 (struct-id pattern ...)           ; destructure a struct
 (class-id (slot pattern) ...)     ; destructure a class
 (eq? val)                         ; match eq? to val
 (eqv? val)                        ; match eqv? to val
 (equal? val)                      ; match equal? to val
 (quote expr)                      ; match eq?/eqv?/equal? to a quoted value
 (quasiquote datum)                ; destructure with quasiquote
 (apply getf pattern)              ; applicative destructuring
 (match-macro arg ...)             ; apply match macro expander
 _                                 ; match any and ignore
 id                                ; match any and bind to id
 datum                             ; match eq?/eqv?/equal? to a datum

(match <> (match-pattern body ...) ...)
=> (lambda (obj) (match obj (match-pattern body ...) ...))

(match <...> (match-pattern body ...) ...)
=> (lambda args (match args (match-pattern body ...) ...))

The fundamental destructuring pattern match macro; you've seen many and this one is very much like them.


> (def lst [1 2 3])
> (match lst
    ([0 1 c] "starts with 0 1")
    ([a _ c] (list c a))
    (_       #f))
(3 1)

> (let loop ((rest [1 2]))
    (match rest
      ([v . rest] (displayln v) (loop rest))
      ([]         (displayln 'end))))

> (def foo (match <>
             ((? (and number? inexact?)) 'inexact)
             ((? number?)                'number)
             ((and (? string?) (not "")) 'string)
             (_                          'other)))

> (foo 10)

> (foo 2.0)

> (foo "")

> (foo "bar")


(match* (expr ...)
 ((pattern ...) body) ...)

Matches multiple objects in sequence.


> (match* (#t [1 2])
    ((#f [a 0]) 'a)
    ((#t [a])   'b)
    ((#t [_ b]) 'c)
    (else       'd))

with with*

(with (pattern expr) body ...)
=> (match expr (pattern body ...))

(with ((pattern expr) ...) body ...)
=> (match* (expr ...) ((pattern ...) body ...))

(with () body ...)
=> (let () body ...)

(with* (hd rest ...) body ...)
=> (with hd (with* (rest ...) body ...))

(with* () body ...)
=> (let () body ...)

Short-form destructuring bind macros.


> (with ([a b . c] (iota 4))
    (list a b c))
(0 1 (2 3))

? (predicate constructor)

(? (and pred ...) obj)
=> (and (? pred obj) ...)

(? (or pred ...) obj)
=> (or (? pred obj) ...)

(? (not pred) obj)
=> (not (? pred obj))

(? pred obj)
=> (pred obj)

(? pred)
=> (lambda (obj) (? pred obj))

(? pred => K)
=> (lambda (obj)
     (alet (val (? pred obj))
       (K val)))

(? pred :: proc)
=> (lambda (obj)
     (and (? pred obj)
          (proc obj)))

(? pred :: proc => K)
=> (lambda (obj)
     (and (? pred obj)
          (K (proc obj))))

The predicate constructor macro.


> (? (and number? fixnum?) 1000)

> (? (and number? fixnum?))
#<procedure #1>


(defsyntax-for-match id match-macro-expr [macro-expr])

Defines a match macro expander with name id, with optionally a regular expander for the same identifier.

Macros for Syntax

The following macros are only available for syntax (phi = 1).

syntax-case syntax syntax/loc

(syntax-case stx (keyword-id ...)
  (pat [fender] body) ...)

(syntax expr)

(syntax/loc src-stx expr)

The well-known syntax and syntax-case macros, first defined in "Extending the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction" by Waddell and Dybvig and popularized by Racket. syntax/loc is like syntax, only it assigns the source location to that of src-stx


(syntax-rules (keyword-id ...)
 (pat [fender] expr) ...)

The familiar syntax-rules macro from R5RS, extended with pattern fenders like syntax-case and meaningful underscores.

with-syntax with-syntax*

(with-syntax ((pat expr) ...) body)
(with-syntax* ((bind expr) ...) body)

 (values id ...)             ; value binding
 pat                         ; syntax binding

The common with-syntax macro is widely used in Racket. Its sequence form with-syntax* is like a sequence of with-syntax, with the Gerbilic allowance for value bindings with let* semantics.


(identifier-rules (keyword-id)
 (pat [fender] expr) ...)

Variant of syntax-rules that constructs a setq macro and not a plain macro expander.

Module Sugar


(require feature ...)

Fails with a syntax error if the cond-expand features feature ... are not satisfied.

defsyntax-for-import defsyntax-for-export defsyntax-for-import-export

(defsyntax-for-import id expr)

(defsyntax-for-import (id . args) body ...)
=> (defsyntax-for-import id (lambda args body ...))

(defsyntax-for-export id expr)

(defsyntax-for-export (id . args) body ...)
=> (defsyntax-for-export id (lambda args body ...))

(defsyntax-for-import-export id expr)

(defsyntax-for-import-export (id . args) body ...)
=> (defsyntax-for-import-export id (lambda args body ...))

Define import and export macro expanders.

for-syntax for-template

(import (for-syntax import-spec ...))
(export (for-syntax export-spec ...))

(import (for-template import-spec ...))
(export (for-template export-spec ...))

Import/export expanders that switch the phase of the import/export; for-syntax switches by +1, for-template switches by -1, just like the phi: directive.


(import (only-in import-spec id ...))

Import expander; only import identifiers id ... from a set.

except-in except-out

(import (except-in import-spec id ...))

(export (except-out export-spec id ...))

Import and export expander; filter identifiers id ... from a set.

rename-in rename-out

(import (rename-in import-spec (id new-id) ...))

(export (rename-out export-spec (id new-id) ...))

Import and export expander; rename specific identifiers in a set.

prefix-in prefix-out

(import (prefix-in import-spec prefix-id))

(export (prefix-out export-spec prefix-id))

Import and export expander; rename a set by applying a prefix.


(export (struct-out struct-id ...))

Export expander; export all identifiers related with structs struct-id ...


(import (group-in prefix mod ...))
mod := id
    |  (id mod ...)

Imports a group of common prefix library modules.


(import (group-in :std/misc queue rbtree))
= (import :std/misc/queue :std/misc/rbtree)

(import (group-in :std (misc queue rbtree) (net bio)))
= (import :std/misc/queue :std/misc/rbtree :std/net/bio)

(import (group-in :std sugar (srfi 1 113 133)))
= (import :std/sugar :std/srfi/1 :std/srfi/113 :std/srfi/133)

Special Evaluation Forms


(eval-when-compile expr)

Evaluates expr when expanding in compiler context.